Can someone start a new thread possibly on "How Old is the Oldest JW that has Awaken, and how did it go"? or somesuch like that. Your dad is 88. Could waking him up now, cause his early demise? Will he cry so much and be so depressed that all together it will kill him? Then, of course, do not wake him up.
I was asked kindly, in a gentle voice from a dear soul who said they think I need to read CofC for free off of my computer and set it up for me. I had been an elder's wife for 40 years. I did not take this lightly but the person was so sincere in asking me to do this that I realized this was something I must do, if not for myself, then to help them where they have strayed. (Reading WT/JW..org highly unapproved literature).
After an all night marathon reading, I was out of WT/JW..org the next morning at 5AM.
It was like a veil had been lifted in my mind. The dysfunctional and crazy made up man made rules that never made sense, now did. The whole religion had been made up to serve the Top! To sell their brand of religious poppycock!